Field Hockey
Facility Rent
Central Maine's premier indoor and outdoor sports facility! We offer All Pro sports and facility rentals for those interested in playing on the best indoor and outdoor fields.
Indoor Soccer Leagues (Early Fall - Spring)
7 v 7 games for players of all levels
Divisions: Middle School Boys, Middle School Girls, Boys High School & Girls High School, Adult Open Coed
50 minute games
Review the registration and schedule page for more details.

Soccer Center of Excellence
6 - 8 week soccer training programs designed to improve the soccer skills of your son and/or daughter.
Youth Participants are split into 3 different groups by grade: Grades 2-3, Grades 4-5, and Grades 6-8.
Sessions are held 1x per week and are typically 8 weeks in length. We will hold 3 training sessions in total this coming winter (2024-2024).
Drills focus on both individual skill development and tactical instruction
Check out days and times on our Registration and Schedules page!
All Pro Sports Center reserves the right to change the programs based on # of registrations and/or ability before or during the sessions.

First Touch Program
The “First Touch” Program is for boys and girls in Pre-K, Kindergarten and 1st grade.
The program:
Introduces your child to the exciting world of soccer with fun filled, developmentally appropriate activities
Improves their skills and enhances their general physical fitness
This program runs for 8 weeks beginning on October 28.
All Pre-K students must be 4 years old before September 1, 2024.
Cost: $150 for each 8 week session (Mondays: 4 - 5 PM)

Lacrosse Programs
No programs scheduled at this time

Rent the Facility
If your company, organization, school, church, friends, or family would like to rent the facility on a one-time or regular basis for any activity, please contact us for availability and pricing.
Other sports (football, ultimate frisbee, lacrosse)
Other group activities (toddler play time, lawn bowling, walking/stretching, yoga, tai chi, etc.)

Birthday Parties
All Pro Sports Center can host your birthday parties or other celebrations. Contact us for more details.
Field rental for activities and games
Front Lobby for Food and Drinks
2024 - 2025 Party fee: $250 (2 hours)

All Pro Sports Center
Team Training Camp
Please email us at info@allprosportscenter.com with inquiries.